#BookReview : The Peshwa The Lion and the Stallion by Ram Sivasankaran

The Peshwa: The Lion and the Stallion

The Peshwa The Lion and The Stallion is the debut book of author Ram Sivasankaran. The book is historical fiction published on 22nd December 2015 by Westland ltd. The book is widely available at the bookstores, Online stores and in the kindle format. The cover page of the book and the illustration is by Kunal Kundu. The cover page is very attractive showing Peshwa Bajirao on his horse and is full of anger and the colours are very catchy to the eyes .
The book is set in the 18th century which has foiled the depiction of one of the major war between the Marathas and the Mughal Empire. The major characters are Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath Bhat , Bajirao Bhat , Kashibai and Nizam Ul Mulk. All the characters are very interesting and are firmly binded in the story. The book takes a turn when Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath surrenders his life to terminal illness and Bajirao Bhat takes up the title of the Peshwa and how he lives upto the title.
The narration of the events are in a very understandable manner which keeps the reader hooked up to the book . It is a perfect example displaying all the human emotions from  love, romance,joy to anger, bravery etc. The relationship shown between Balaji Vishwanath and Bajirao is so pure and clear also showing  how the  father is scared for his son. Although it is historical fiction but the author has written it in a very engrossing manner which is refreshing with various twists and turns. The storytelling is very appreciable which feel as one has just viewed a movie. The battle scenes are very very vivid. The book is very well executed and is well paced.
Overall,it is one of the best historical fiction book and I recommend it to all the avid readers who are highly interested in reading historical fiction.

Image result for 4 stars

Few quotes from the book 

  • One day the father may pass away but on that day, the son becomes the father. The grandson becomes the son.
  • Old leaves have to fall to make way for new.
  • Marriage at the right age builds a man’s character and sense of responsibility. Moreover , marriage to the right woman brings about happiness and stability.

About the Author 

Image result for ram sivasankaran

Ram Sivasankaran was born in Madras, India but has spent most of his life abroad, largerly in the Middle east and the United states of America. He was brought up on the stories from Hindu legend  and the great epics and the classics of both India and the West. In addition of being a passionate student of History in school, Ram has built a keen interest in stories of valour, heroism, chivalry, beauty and romance.
A day-dreamer of sorts , Ram believes deeply in the power of imagination- the mind being the canvas on which even the seemingly talentless can create new universes,resurrect eras long gone, bring the gods to life and even revive heroes and damsels of yore.

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* I received a free copy from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and an unbiased review.

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Happy reading!


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